

Boshlang'ich sinflarda chet tillarini o'qitishda innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanish

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Mustaqil diyorimizda yosh avlodni barkamol inson etib tarbiyalash, ularni zamon talablari darajasida bilim olishlarini ta'minlash bugungi kunda davlat siyosati darajasidagi eng muhim vazifalardan biri hisoblanadi. Ayniqsa, Prezidentimizning 2012-yil 10-dekabrdagi «Chet tillarni o'rganish tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora tadbirlari

The use of new technologies in teaching English grammar at school

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Pupils at secondary schools have difficulties  with learning complex grammatical concepts. Typically invented examples are used  in the tradition of grammar teaching. These examples are often simple but unrealistic. They find these difficult to relate to real linguistic settings and almost impossible to apply to their own language

Methods of teaching foreign dialogical speech as means of forming creativity of students

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A future teacher of English must be fluent in a foreign language and must demonstrate high foreign language communicative competence. However, not all the students of language faculties and specialization reach this level. Thus, there arises the question about search for new approaches, methods and means of formation of foreign language